
This is a program that I wrote for processing. It reads in a 2d image and stores the x and y values of the pixels it reads in an array. Then it redraws the array of black pixels, starting from their x, y point of origin to a vanishing point according to x,y position of mouse and a z position in space. In some of these images I have a semi-transparent plane in space to designate the "back side" of an image. This process involves looking at a 2 dimensional input, examining it from a 2dimensional perspective (the user's mouse navigates x,y plane...z position is fixed). THis allows a viewer to view in a 3d space, more specifically within a range of 180degrees. ***what more information needs to be added to complete the 360degree range? ...maybe instead of seeing screen as a square, see it as a continuous circle.hhmmm. ok...but what's the point. lately I have been interested in the principle that human senses perceive change as opposed to static input...i.e. you cannot hear a fixed sound, to hear sound you hear change in sound (you cannot freeze it)...An image on the other hand seems as though you can freeze it, but the other week when I heard the artist Viktor Muniz speak, he said something about the eye perceiving movement. he used the example of the way a person sees a painting at a museum...by approaching at it from different angles, and eventually getting to the right position for the eye, and then moving in and out. the eyes are constantly moving and evaluating input in fragments that are pieced together by the brain. humans perceive change. a point and direction, but not one without the other. would be interesting to create within a space that is not fixed, but instead one that encompasses this principle. consistent change, points and directions...like the way people work.

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taylor levy. taylor levy. taylor levy. taylor levy. taylor levy. possible design object. possible design object. possible design object. itp. itp. itp. itp.