narrative meaning presence awareness

How and where are these themes embedded in systems of communication? How, where and why do they manifest in physical objects? Basketball nets. Simple pure objects. Points of connection. Interaction. With their own language, dialog and narratives that surround them. The design of this object plays a significant role in this, basketball nets alter a landscape, and remain when the game is over, they are raised above eye level, accessible but out of reach, pressed against the constant sky as a backdrop. No matter where you are in the world. I became fascinated with this in China, baskteball nets at the shaolin temple, in courtyards of mansions in Shanghai's french concession... The narrative that surround these objects persist, even when play is over. And no matter where you are in the world, these objects hold as entry points to those narratives.

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taylor levy. taylor levy. taylor levy. taylor levy. taylor levy. possible design object. possible design object. possible design object. itp. itp. itp. itp.